Food for thought

4 years 1 month ago #3200 by Wescli Wardest
Replied by Wescli Wardest on topic Food for thought
Happiness can be a burden.

Hope can be a distraction.

Kind acts can be cruel.

I did not say they are. Just, they can be.
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3 years 8 months ago #3274 by Wescli Wardest
Replied by Wescli Wardest on topic Food for thought
Max Ehrmann


Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.

~Max Ehrmann, Desiderata, Copyright 1952.
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3 years 7 months ago #3287 by Wescli Wardest
Replied by Wescli Wardest on topic Food for thought
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2 years 10 months ago #3391 by Wescli Wardest
Replied by Wescli Wardest on topic Food for thought

Service is one way we grow as individuals. It's one way we help our communities. It's also one way we get others interested in the path we follow. But first, we must be in a position to be of service...

A long time ago there was a king that was on his death bead.  He was not afraid of dying but of being alone in the afterlife.  In life he had four beautiful wives nd he was with one or more of them at all times.  From his death bead he called for his fourth wife who he loved the most and showered with fancy gifts of jewels, fine clothes and fancy foods.  He asked her if she would go to with him to the afterlife. She replied that she could not.  She loved him very much but could not follow him into the afterlife. 

Undaunted by this reply he called for his third wife who he also loved.  He would show her off to foreign dignitaries and guests and was very proud of her.  When the king asked if she would follow him into the afterlife she replied no. And further, even though she loved him and was grateful for all she had been given she was going to remarry after he departed this world.

The king was not worried for he still had his second wife whom he loved.  She was always there for him in times of need and was always comforting and a joy to be around.  So he called for his second wife and asked if she would go with him to the afterlife. She regretfully declined and replied that she loved him and would be with him until the end, comforting him as long as he was in this world.  And that when he left she would arrange his funeral and morn for his passing but she could not go with him into the afterlife.

Amazed that his three of his favorite wives declined his request he called for his first wife.  She had been with him from the beginning, before he was a king.  And he asked her if she would go with him into the afterlife.  She smiled and held his hand and said, I love you and have always loved you.  I will follow you and go with you where ever you go.  The king smiled and wept and told her that he wished he would have spent more time with her nd showered her with more gifts for she was the truest of his wives.

We all have four wives (partners, whatever you want to call them). The fourth is our bodies.  We love our bodies and adorn them with jewelry and nice clothes.  Eat the foods that delight our tastes and spend much of our time seeking out the pleasures of the flesh. The third wife is our possessions. We are proud of them and show them off to others.  We love these things we have collected but like our bodies, they can not go with us when we die.  The second wife is our family and friends.  They are dear to us and we love them.  Learning to lean on them for support and expect comfort from them when we are low.  We also celebrate their successes as they celebrate ours. But they can go no further than our funerals.

Our first wife is our soul.  It is with us from the beginning.  Many, or maybe most of us, do not spend as much time nourishing and nurturing our souls and we spend pursuing other worldly things. Spending time alone, contemplative, holding to our morals and values no matter what the world around us does.  Our souls are all we take with us into the next world.  Are you intimate with yours? 

Have you spent the time to ready yourself to be of good service to others? 
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2 years 10 months ago #3392 by Wescli Wardest
Replied by Wescli Wardest on topic Food for thought
Let me ask you...

If, heaven forbid, you broke your leg or arm today would you expect everything to go back to normal tomorrow?
No, that would be silly.  You know you'd have to have a cast.  You might loose some work.  You'd have limited mobility.
And you would have to wear the cast for weeks, not to mention the rehabilitation you would have to go through after being in a cast for so long.

Your mind and your heart are the exact same way.  If either of them gets broken there is a process that one has to go through to heal.

You can not expect to go back to normal the next day.  Nor is it healthy to even try.

Evaluate where you are.  Is there a process you still need to work through.

Be well my friends and remember that you are not alone. ;)
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2 years 9 months ago - 2 years 9 months ago #3410 by Wescli Wardest
Replied by Wescli Wardest on topic Food for thought
A long time ago there were two brothers, twins.  They were the same in every way except how they acted.  And so their mother named them Lie and Truth.

One day, Lie and Truth were fishing down at the river close to their house. Lie became bored and issued a challenge to Truth.  “I bet I can swim across the river before you can!” Said Lie.  Truth said, “Maybe, but then we’ll ruin our clothes and mother will be mad.  Being clever, lie responded with rules for the completion that would settle Truths worries. “We’ll take off our clothes and the first one to swim to the other side and back will be the winner.” Truth had no idea who was the better swimmer but thought the completion would be fun.  And who knows, maybe it would turn out he was the better swimmer!  And they could do it without ruining their clothes and angering their mother.  So truth agreed to the terms. 

They both stripped down and got ready to go.  Lie looked at Truth and truth looked at Lie.  In a loud and excited voice lie said “Go!”  Truth dove in to the freezing water and had a good start.  Not bothering to look back but rather keeping his head down and powering forward with all his might Truth reached the other side of the river in no time.  When he did Truth noticed that Lie was not in the water behind him.  In fact, Truth could not see Lie anywhere.   So truth began to look for Lie.  After a while Truth returned to the other side of the river and was going to get dressed and look for help.  But to his astonishment his clothes were gone. 

While Truth swam across the river Lie put on Truths clothes.  They were clean and pressed and made him feel good.  He then gathered up his clothes in a bundle and headed back to town.  Lie paraded up and down the streets proclaim his victory in the swim completion against Truth.  And the people seeing Lie and hearing his story quickly believed him. 

By the time Truth made it to town the people had already heard Lie’s story and seeing how truth was naked and embarrassed by this had a hard time telling people the true story of what happened. But it was hard to look at truth in his nakedness and it was uncomfortable to listen to him since he was so ashamed and embarrassed. 

Ever since then, people have found it easier to believe a well-dressed lie than the naked truth. 

What lies do you believe because it is easier or more comfortable?
Last edit: 2 years 9 months ago by Wescli Wardest.
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2 years 8 months ago - 2 years 8 months ago #3426 by Wescli Wardest
Replied by Wescli Wardest on topic Food for thought
What's going on? 
Often times in life we run into circumstances where we know what we are supposed to do but for some reason, as yet undisclosed, we do not do it. 

One time, a man bought a hunting dog.  A very expensive well trained hunting dog.  He was proud of this fine animal, believed he had made a good investment and wanted to show his dog off to his son.  So he called up his son and the three of them went hunting; the man, the son and the dog.  They drove to a field which gave them access to their favorite hunting spot.  Ducks was game for the day and this dog was supposed to be an expert at retrieving.

They crossed the field and over a barbed wire fence before they reached this honey hole. This favorite spot.  After only a few minutes the son saw a duck and shot it.  The father said “watch this” turned to the dog and barked, “fetch up!” 

No response, the dog just looked at him.

Fetch up!!” the father barked even louder. And the dog whimpered and slowly went out to get the duck. The son didn’t look real impressed and the father started to feel a little foolish for bragging so much about this dog.  But they continued hunting.  BANG, the son got another duck and turned to look at the dog.

Fetch up” the dad said and the dog just sat there.  “Fetch up boy!’ and the dog whimpered and laid down. A third time, “I said fetch up!” and the father popped the dog on the butt as he said it. The father was beginning to get angry.  Did they sell him a lie?  Was the dog actually trained?  Was it being bad to spite him?  The dog swam out about ten feet in a circle and then came straight back to retrieving the duck.

The son looked at his dad and said that he didn’t want to hunt anymore because he wasn’t sure the dog would bring the ducks back.  He didn’t want to waste them.  The father was furious at this point and snapped at the dog, let’s go.  The dog had no issue with this and jumped up and started heading back towards the truck.

When the three reached the truck the father lowered the tail gate and told the dog to jump in.  And the dog sat on his haunches and looked at him.  Frustrated and angry the father reached down and picked up the dog to toss him in the bed of the truck.  The dog landed and skittered in the bed whimpering. And the father noticed blood on his hands.

The son saw this as well and they began to look for where the blood came from.  Come to find out, the dog had cut himself very badly when they crossed the barbed wire fence the first time.  That would explain the dog’s behavior all morning!  And the father began to feel shame and compassion for the animal. Realizing his fault in his behavior and thinking. And they cared for the dog.

Most people know what they are supposed to do or should do.  But they have been injured in the past and this makes them hesitant, mistrustful, timid or scared.  So when you run into a situation where you know someone knows what is best for them and they don’t do it.  You know that they know what to do.  You know that they can and should be able to handle this but they do not… they probably aren’t stupid but rather they are injured.
Last edit: 2 years 8 months ago by Wescli Wardest.
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2 years 5 months ago - 2 years 5 months ago #3470 by Wescli Wardest
Replied by Wescli Wardest on topic Food for thought
The Servants Bucket

A long time ago, there was a small village. In that village lived a serving man. His job was to fetch the water.  Every day, he would carry two empty buckets down the long path to the river, fill the buckets, and carry the full buckets back to his master's house.

One of the buckets was perfect and would carry all the water it held all the way back to the master's house. Naturally, it was very proud of its daily accomplishments.  The other bucket was imperfect. It had a crack. And every day, the serving man would fill it to the top with water, and every day, the bucket would slowly leak on the way back up the path and would arrive at the master's house only half full.

This went on for years, until one day, the bucket with the crack in it couldn't take it anymore. When the serving man reached the river, the bucket said to him, "I want to apologize to you.
The serving man was surprised. "Why would you want to apologize to me?"

"Because," said the bucket. "Every day you have to walk all the way down to the river to fetch the water and walk all the way back, and every day, I am only able to bring half the water you put in me back to the master's house. I am ashamed.

The serving man felt sorry for the bucket. He said, "I'll tell you what. As we make our way back up the long path to the master's house, look around you. There are beautiful wild flowers growing along the path that will cheer you up.

The bucket agreed; and as they walked back up the long path to the master's house, he did look around and the beautiful wild flowers did cheer him up. But when they reached the master's house, the bucket still only had half of the water it began with.  "I was still only able to do half the work," said the bucket. "I still failed. I am sorry!

The serving man smiled, and said, "Did you notice that the beautiful wild flowers were only growing on your side of the path? I knew about your crack all along, and I took advantage of it. Two years ago, I dropped flower seeds along the path, and for two years, you have been watering those flowers. It's thanks to you and your leak that those flowers were able to grow and make the path to the river more beautiful, making everyone's work more pleasant."
Last edit: 2 years 5 months ago by Wescli Wardest.
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2 years 5 months ago #3471 by Serenity
Replied by Serenity on topic Food for thought
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2 years 3 months ago - 2 years 3 months ago #3484 by Wescli Wardest
Replied by Wescli Wardest on topic Food for thought
Growing up, we kids watched Transformers the cartoon.  Even though everyone had their favorite Autobot, we all loved Optimus Prime (the leader of the autoboots). He wasn’t the biggest or the strongest.  He wasn’t the smartest or even the coolest!  But there was something about him that made myself and all my friends love him.  Was it because he was the leader? 

Maybe. But I think we have to ask ourselves what made him the leader? I was watching an interview with he voice actor that did Optimus Primes voice and he told the story of how he came up with the voice. He was going in to do the reading, it’s an audition for voice actors, and his older brother asked where he was going.  His older brother was something of a hero to his younger brother.  A decorated Vietnam vet (bronze star, few purple hearts) the two brothers lived together in an apartment. The older brother was always interested in what his younger brother was doing.  And you could hear the respect the voice actor had for his older brother when he talked about him. 

The older brother asked, “where are you going?” to which the younger brother, the voice actor, replied, “I’m going to do an audition, for a truck.” “he’s kind of like a hero!” followed the younger brother. 

And the older brother told him, “If you’re going to be a hero, don’t be a Hollywood hero, yelling and screaming al the time.” “Be a real hero; be strong enough to be gentle.” 

You could see in the voice actors face as he recalled this moment in his life that it struck a chord with him.  Be strong enough to be gentle… He admits that he thought about how his older brother said this to him and how his older brother said it.  Thus, showing us again how he felt about his older brother.  And on the drive to the studio, he practiced the voice he would you, saying it how he believed his brother would say it. And when it was his turn to audition the part, in familiar voice all the little boys of my generation know and love he said, “Hello, my name is Optimus Prime.  I am the leader of the Autobots.” 

As he left the audition, he felt a sense of pride and wished his brother had been there, “I felt he would be proud of me.  I think I nailed it!” 

These words struck a chord with me as well.  Be strong enough to be gentle. In my life it has not been the big strong guy, waving his fists about making lots of noise that inspires us to follow them.  My experience has shown me that it is usually the quiet, reserved ones that lead by example and are always there to help that have generated the loyalty and inspired the most resolve. Real strength means you do not have to prove to others your strength. Instead you can use it to help, comfort, aide, protect and provide. And you don’t need anything in return. 

If you’re going to be a hero, be a real hero.  Be strong enough to be gentle.
Last edit: 2 years 3 months ago by Wescli Wardest.
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